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Organizing your Team with Groups

TLDR: Segment your team members into groups.


The Group feature on Speakflow allows you to segment your team and share scripts with select members.

You can create multiple groups under a Team, add members to the groups, and share scripts with any group.

For example, a videographer using Speakflow can add multiple clients to their team and create a Group for each client so that the clients cannot see each other's scripts, even though they are all apart of the same team.

Learn more about Teams

Creating a Group

To create a group, go to the Teams page by clicking the "Teams" link under "Manage Account".
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Then, under your team name, click the "Groups" link.
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Next, on the Groups page, click "Create Group"
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Now you can name and add members of your team to a group.

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Sharing with a Group

You can share a script with a group by going to your scripts, updating the Share Settings and then selecting a Team. When you select a Team, you'll have the option to limit the sharing to a specific group.
After clicking Share, the script will be visible by members of the group when they are viewing the scripts for the team.