How Can I Deliver a Better Presentation on Camera?

Here are a few useful strategies for improving your presentations when you're being recorded.

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1. Maintain direct eye contact with the camera lens.

Establishing eye contact with the camera not only engages your audience but also exudes confidence. However, too much eye contact can make viewers feel insecure or stared at. Even in a one-sided presentation, try using the 50/70 rule for eye contact. That means looking directly at the camera 50-70% of the time. This will create a feeling of genuine connection and foster a sense of rapport with your viewers.

2. Practice makes perfect.
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  • Before you record your content, rehearse. 
  • Know your material and be an expert on your topic.  
  • Keep your message straight to the point. 
  • Practice what you plan to say and be aware of your gestures and body language. 
This will ensure that you know what you’re talking about and you will have confidence when delivering your script to your audience.

3. Vocal Variety

When speaking, be deliberate in your approach, adjusting your tone and volume to accentuate keywords and phrases. Allow your voice to mirror the emotions you aim to express. While vocal variation enhances your communication, it should flow naturally and not appear contrived.

4. Learn From Others

Seek inspiration and knowledge from those who have expertise or experience in the field. Identify a creator who inspires you and delve into their content. Observe and analyze what resonates with you regarding their on-camera presence. If you're looking for inspiration, check out these up-and-coming YouTube creators.
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5. Use Speakflow, the online teleprompter.

An excellent tool for honing your on-camera speaking skills is Surprise, you're already here! We created a web-based teleprompter application that enables you to draft scripts and present them using our teleprompter feature for delivering speeches and recording video content directly from your browser. Try Speakflow now for free.

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